Tag Archives: report card

通知表 (tsuuchihyou): report card

We had received a report card on Alya performance in the last semester from Kasai sensei, the class teacher of 1-2 (read as ichi nen ni kumi). In Japan, there will be no final semester examination or test during elementary grade. The students will be evaluated on the daily and ongoing performances basis by ◎: excellent 〇: good △: fair or need to work harder. The teacher said that in the first semester of the first grade, no student will get ‘excellent’ mark for this is the first time the students were evaluated. In the report card, there are also comments on the child’s attitude during class, the willingness to cooperate with others etc. Parents also can give any comments to the class teacher. And as usual the total number of attendance and signatures (headmaster, class teacher and parent) were also stated.

p/s: congrats my dear for all the 〇s…

やぎ (yagi) – goat
ひつじ (hitsuji) – sheep
ロバ (roba) – donkey
すいぎゅう (suigyuu) – buffalo
ねこ (neko) – cat